Saturday, August 6, 2011

Seeing Results!

Hey guys,

I hope this message finds you all doing well.  It's been a while and Super Scotty is home from the hospital again, so I wanted to update you on his progress!

Scotty completed Round 3 on Wednesday and he was discharged that night. It was another rough drive home but with how he had been feeling during most of his treatment, we kind of expected it.  He handled the treatment beautifully (as always) but you can tell that each round is getting harder and harder for him. He is currently still feeling pretty crappy and has been doing a fair share of sleeping.  He has been eating as much as he can and he's doing well with it considering.  During his chemo journey, it's really kind of funny how he has been turing to Mexican food pretty consistently, but hey, whatever works!  He just sent me to the store for tortilla shells, salsa and cheese!  He has slowly been gaining some weight and right now that's the focus, to have him keep putting on the weight so he is strong enough for the chemo. We are not exactly sure what's to come next but we do believe he will go through another round in 2 weeks. The reason that we are unsure is that Dr. Pomerantz is on vacation to be returning on Monday.

Upon admitting Scotty had his scans done and his markers checked again.  This is super exciting news that I'm SO happy to share.  The shrinkage of tumors is comparable to a softball shrinking to a golfball (we're not sure if they were actually that big, Scotty said the doctor who was describing it was a little weird), and that was before this past round of chemo, which means it's working!!!  In the last update I told you that his tumor markers were both down 90% (to 4 and 9500) and this time they showed another dramatic reduction to 2 and 653!!!  It was some other doctors that were covering who updated us with the results so we have not yet been able to discuss it with Dr. Pomerantz to see what the plan is.  As soon as we know, we will pass it on. :)

As this journey continues, we both ask that you keep us both in your thoughts and prayers.  Some days are harder than others and we're both experiencing the emotional ups and downs.  One thing I ask is that you keep showing Scotty the love as he needs your support now more than ever.  I bet cabin fever isn't even strong enough to describe how he's feeling right now and it pains my heart to see him confined to his house, his room... his bed!  We went this morning to the Londonderry Dana Farber to get his "immunity" shot so the next couple days could be tough (the first time it really affected him the last time wasn't so bad) and he may or may not want visitors so just check in first... but after that I'm sure he'll be expecting to see some of your faces!  As long as he's feeling up for it on Wednesday, we're heading to the Mountain View Grand for a night to celebrate our birthdays (all his idea!!) Which reminds me of something else.... his birthday is coming up on the 15th and we're very happy that he won't be spending it in the hospital!  Got to be grateful for the good stuff! :)

I guess that's really it for now... if you have any questions, please reach out and if you want to come see Scotty, please do!  A lot of people have mentioned that they didn't want to overwhelm him... it hasn't happened yet (besides in the small confines of the hospital) so please if you want to visit, just reach out!  Again, please just make sure that if you do visit, you are not sick or able to pass anything on to him, I know I sound like a broken record, but I can't stress how important this is!!!

We wouldn't be getting through this if it weren't for your continued support and love, so thank you!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, to you all!

Jax (& Super Scotty)

P.S. we still have Super Scotty wristbands so if you want one or two, see the blog about the wristbands and supporting Super Scotty!

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