Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Big Day THIS Friday

Hello everyone! I hope this update finds you warm and well. For those of you on the East Coast, the last few days have been pretty trying due to Saturday's "Snowtober" storm, and I hope you are all faring well. We finally got our power back last night and I am so grateful!

I wanted to reach out and let you all know that Scotty's appointment that was scheduled for next Friday, was moved to this Friday, as it was the only time we could meet with both his Oncologist and the Urologist together. Scotty will be having his tumor markers reviewed again and we will be finding out if he will need to have surgery to remove what's left of the shrunken tumors, or if they will deem them to be scar tissue and leave everything be. At this point this will be left up to the Urologist, Dr. Steele, who may or may not request more scans to be done. Dr. Pomerantz told us that he will not be needing to see any more scans and that he feels that it is just scar tissue... and we hope that Dr. Steele will feel the same way. There is still the possibility that he will want to take out a piece of "tumor" to analyze it... and I'm hoping not, as Scotty has been through enough!

I know that some of you have a lot on your minds right now as you clean up from the aftermath of Saturday's storm... some of you may not even have power yet... but I ask that you take a minute to say a prayer for Scotty, think some positive thoughts of pure health, and believe with me that Friday will be a day of great news and celebration! Your support has and always will mean the world to us... I know I would have never been as strong as I was if I didn't know I had a lot of awesome people standing behind us. We think about this daily and often have conversations about how truly lucky we are to have so many amazing people in our lives, thank you so very much for showing us that!

Have a fantastic week everyone, I'm wishing you all peace and warmth, and I look forward to relaying GREAT news to you on Friday/Saturday.

Much love, Jax

"If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell." Lance Armstrong

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